Motorcycle Gear for Women

Written by TONIT NEWS | Nov 28, 2019 10:28:25 PM


Shrink it and pink it: not even motorcycle gear has escaped this marketing fad. Ladies, this one is for you!

If you don't live in a place with a lot of motorcycle gear shops—or if you do—you've likely searched through dozens of men’s jackets and gloves in leather, textile, kevlar, dyneema (or whatever the material of the day is) to find one of the two ladies’ jackets hiding in the corner. Let me guess...One is a flashy color in textile. Oooh. You could grow to like you try it on. Sadly, not your size. The other offering is black leather and fits you perfectly... but it has a stitching design that you know was designed by a dude named Bob. Or maybe it's just really uncomfortable—and NO POCKETS?! (🤷‍♀️) You end up walking out of the shop with a new pair of gloves that you’re not crazy about—only because you wore out your old ones. You tell yourself (again!) that these will have to do, darn it.

So, frustrated, and like many other modern riders before you, you turn to the internet and play the guessing game that comes with online sizing charts. You might get lucky on the first go round, or you make one or two returns before you get it just right. Either way, it's a headache you didn't need and time spent away from the 2-wheel zen you crave.

According to Women Riders Now, approximately 19% of (North American) motorcycle riders are women and anecdotal evidence points to a very ill-fitting truth: 98% women riders they've talked to have complained about the lack of riding gear options and/or availability. Riders—men and women—want to wear gear that feels good, is comfortable, safe, and doesn't distract from your ride.

The good news is that you're not alone and there is a growing number of forums and clubs (hiya, Women Who Ride!) and websites specifically for women riders. Make no mistake, this topic of gear for women is often discussed. Luckily, many women are taking it upon themselves to design and create riding gear meant for women. If you're at a loss with your current options, but you're determined there must be somewhere that combines style and safety, be sure to check out discussions and reviews on these Team TONIT favorite motoblogs. We can tell you that these women mean business. And let's face it. We’re all in this together.

We’re all about sharing, so please comment on some of the favorite things you've found. Maybe snap a photo and post it. And don't forget to let us know where you're finding your gear!

Ride safe 🏍